James Davis
2019-10-22 16:30:23 UTC
; An open letter to The AppleWin Team about APPLE2E.SYM
; **[Best viewed in a monotyped font like 12pt. Courier New]**
I changed the heading a little bit
[on my personal copy of the APPLE2E.SYM]:
; Apple 2 Rom Symbol Table
; Version 5 Renamed "KBD/CLR80COL" -> "KBD/CLR80STORE"
; Renamed "SET80COL" -> "SET80STORE"
; Renamed "CLR80VID" -> "CLR80COL"
; Renamed "SET80VID" -> "SET80COL"
; Renamed "RD80COL" -> "RD80STORE"
; Renamed "RD80VID" -> "RD80COL"
I also added these to AppleWin's APPLE2E.SYM to fill in a few of the
gaps you guys left empty:
C063 BUTN2
[See (Apple II Errata): Tech Info Library Article Number 1062.]
So, I fixed these [on my personal copy of the APPLE2E.SYM]:
; Corrected Annunciator Labels [See Tech Info Library Errata]
6502bench SourceGen Disassembler SYM65 FORMAT (with comments):
; Corrected Annunciator Labels [See Tech Info Library Errata]
CLRAN0 @ $C058 ;[R/W] Reset AN0: Toggle OFF (0VDC)
SETAN0 @ $C059 ;[R/W] * Set AN0: Toggle ON (+5VDC)
CLRAN1 @ $C05A ;[R/W] Reset AN1: Toggle OFF (0VDC)
SETAN1 @ $C05B ;[R/W] * Set AN1: Toggle ON (+5VDC)
CLRAN2 @ $C05C ;[R/W] Reset AN2: Toggle OFF (0VDC)
SETAN2 @ $C05D ;[R/W] * Set AN2: Toggle ON (+5VDC)
CLRAN3 @ $C05E ;[R/W] Reset AN3: Toggle OFF (0VDC)
SETAN3 @ $C05F ;[R/W] * Set AN3: Toggle ON (+5VDC)
;[Stars (*) are just for balancing out the look of this chart.]
; Uncorrected Annunciator Labels [See Tech Info Library Errata]
; SETAN0 ¯\/¯ $C058 ;[R/W] * Set AN0: Toggle OFF (0VDC): WRONG!
; CLRAN0 _/\_ $C059 ;[R/W] Reset AN0: Toggle ON (+5VDC): WRONG!
; SETAN1 ¯\/¯ $C05A ;[R/W] * Set AN1: Toggle OFF (0VDC): WRONG!
; CLRAN1 _/\_ $C05B ;[R/W] Reset AN1: Toggle ON (+5VDC): WRONG!
; SETAN2 ¯\/¯ $C05C ;[R/W] * Set AN2: Toggle OFF (0VDC): WRONG!
; CLRAN2 _/\_ $C05D ;[R/W] Reset AN2: Toggle ON (+5VDC): WRONG!
; SETAN3 ¯\/¯ $C05E ;[R/W] * Set AN3: Toggle OFF (0VDC): WRONG!
; CLRAN3 _/\_ $C05F ;[R/W] Reset AN3: Toggle ON (+5VDC): WRONG!
; I wanted these to shout out to everyone that they are: WRONG!
; But, it didn't work. So now they're just notes. The big X's
; mean that the labels should have been swapped originally.
Also, I am wondering where you got these mnemonics from:
[I have not changed these in AppleWin's APPLE2E.SYM, yet!--I
might put my names in front of yours with a slash separator
like C08B below. (I did it differently, see P.S. below).]
C080 STEPPER ;I call this one LCRAMIN2 | Same as C084
C08A ENABLE1 ;I call this one LCROMIN1 | Same as C08E
C08B LCBANK1/ENABLE2 ; <-- Where? for ENABLE2 | Same as C08F
C08C DATASTROBE ;I call this one LCRAMIN1 | Same as C088
C08D LOADLATCH ;I call this one ROMIN1 | Same as C089
C08E SETREADMODE ;I call this one LCROMIN1 | Same as C08A
C08E WRITEPROT ;I call this one LCROMIN1 | Same as C08A
C08F SETWRITEMODE ;I call this one LCBANK1 | Same as C08B
Maybe combine: C08E SETREADMODE/WRITEPROT; or vice-versa!
Who decided on these names (above) [other than LCBANK1]?
; **[Best viewed in a monotyped font like 10pt. Courier New]**
Why I call these what I do is for LC BANK1/BANK2 parallelism.
See the following excerpt, from (my very own {incomplete & unpublished}):
"Apple IIe Memory Equates for Assembly Programmers" by James Davis
. . .
; MMU High-Memory [16K Language Card (LC)] Enabling & Bank-Switching:
;----------------------- ; ===========================================
; BANK2-On (MMU LC Bank Select) Switches:
; -------------------------------------------
; ROM/RAM Bank-Switched Area: $D000-$FFFF;
; LC RAM Bank-Switched Area: $D000-$DFFF.
; ===========================================
LCRAMIN2 EQU $C080 ; [R] BANK2-On Sw0: Read RAM; No Write;
; or EQU $C084 ; Use LC Bank 2.
; -------------------------------------------
ROMIN EQU $C081 ; [RR/W] BANK2-On Sw1: Read ROM; Write RAM;
; or EQU $C085 ; Use LC Bank 2. [ROMIN2 would be a more
; appropriate mnemonic for this switch.--JPD]
; -------------------------------------------
LCROMIN2 EQU $C082 ; [R] BANK2-On Sw2: Read ROM; No Write;
; or EQU $C086 ; Use LC Bank 2. [AKA (A.McFadden): ROMINRO]
; -------------------------------------------
LCBANK2 EQU $C083 ; [RR/W] BANK2-On Sw3: Read & Write RAM;
; or EQU $C087 ; Use LC Bank 2.
; ===========================================
; Warning: Do not use these switches without
; careful planning. Careless switching
; between RAM & ROM is almost certain to have
; catastrophic effects.
; -------------------------------------------
; Note: Write access to an odd address in the
; $C08X range controls HRAMRD (see above)
; without affecting the state of HRAMWRT'
; (see below).
; -------------------------------------------
; Note: LC Bank-Switching is independent of
; Main/Auxiliary Memory-Bank Switching.
; -------------------------------------------
; Note: HRAMRD & HRAMWRT' are Jim Sather
; mnemonics; LCRAMIN2, ROMIN2, & LCROMIN2,
; are Jim Davis mnemonics.
;----------------------- ; ===========================================
;----------------------- ; ===========================================
; BANK1-On (MMU LC Bank Select) Switches:
; -------------------------------------------
; ROM/RAM Bank-Switched Area: $D000-$FFFF;
; LC RAM Bank-Switched Area: $D000-$DFFF.
; ===========================================
LCRAMIN1 EQU $C088 ; [R] BANK1-On Sw0: Read RAM; No Write;
; or EQU $C08C ; Use LC Bank 1.
; -------------------------------------------
ROMIN1 EQU $C089 ; [RR/W] BANK1-On Sw1: Read ROM; Write RAM;
; or EQU $C08D ; Use LC Bank 1.
; -------------------------------------------
LCROMIN1 EQU $C08A ; [R] BANK1-On Sw2: Read ROM; No Write;
; or EQU $C08E ; Use LC Bank 1. [AKA (Jim Davis): ROMIN1RO]
; -------------------------------------------
LCBANK1 EQU $C08B ; [RR/W] BANK1-On Sw3: Read & Write RAM;
; or EQU $C08F ; Use LC Bank 1.
; ===========================================
; Warning: Do not use these switches without
; careful planning. Careless switching
; between RAM & ROM is almost certain to have
; catastrophic effects.
; -------------------------------------------
; Note: Write access to an odd address in the
; $C08X range controls HRAMRD (see above)
; without affecting the state of HRAMWRT'
; (see below).
; -------------------------------------------
; Note: LC Bank-Switching is independent of
; Main/Auxiliary Memory-Bank Switching.
; -------------------------------------------
; Note: HRAMRD & HRAMWRT' are Jim Sather
; mnemonics; LCRAMIN1, ROMIN1, & LCROMIN1,
; are Jim Davis mnemonics.
;----------------------- ; ===========================================
. . .
I will email a copy of any of my incomplete & unpublished works to
anyone who requests them personally. I will probably never finish
them, anyway!--Because I am getting too old!--And, because I never
finish any of my personal projects, just paid-$-work related ones!
[But, I have been retired now for a very long time.]
Sincerely yours,
James Davis
; **[Best viewed in a monotyped font like 12pt. Courier New]**
I went ahead and added or changed these (w/o ";<--" comments)
[on my personal copy of the APPLE2E.SYM]:
;C0XX <AppleName> ;<--Traditional mnemonic, *0
C080 LCRAMIN2 ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *0
; or STEPPER ;<--AppleWin mnemonic, *1
C081 ROMIN ;<--Traditional mnemonic, *2
; or ROMIN2 ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
C082 ROMINRO ;<--McFadden mnemonic, based on *2
; or LCROMIN2 ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
C083 LCBANK2 ;<--Traditional mnemonic, *3
; (*X = eXtra or ALTernate Address)
; [Missing hardware address bits makes these same as above.]
C084 LCRAMIN2X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *0
; or STEPPER2X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *1
C085 ROMINX ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
; or ROMIN2X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
C086 ROMINROX ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
; or LCROMIN2X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
C087 LCBANK2X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *3
C088 LCRAMIN1 ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *0
; or STEPPER1 ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *1
C089 ROMIN1 ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
C08A ROMIN1RO ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
; or LCROMIN1 ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
; or ENABLE1 ;<--AppleWin mnemonic
C08B LCBANK1 ;<--Traditional mnemonic, *4
; or ENABLE2 ;<--AppleWin mnemonic
; (*X = eXtra or ALTernate Address)
; [Missing hardware address bits makes these same as above.]
C08C LCRAMIN1X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *0
; or DATASTROBE ;<--AppleWin mnemonic
; or STEPPER1X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *1
C08D ROMIN1X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
; or LOADLATCH ;<--AppleWin mnemonic
C08E ROMIN1ROX ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
; or LCROMIN1X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
; or SETREADMODE ;<--AppleWin mnemonic
; or WRITEPROT ;<--AppleWin mnemonic
C08F LCBANK1X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *4
; or SETWRITEMODE ;<--AppleWin mnemonic
I could add more for the whole $C0XX IOU/MMU soft-switch area, but not now.
; An open letter to The AppleWin Team about APPLE2E.SYM
; **[Best viewed in a monotyped font like 12pt. Courier New]**
I changed the heading a little bit
[on my personal copy of the APPLE2E.SYM]:
; Apple 2 Rom Symbol Table
; Version 5 Renamed "KBD/CLR80COL" -> "KBD/CLR80STORE"
; Renamed "SET80COL" -> "SET80STORE"
; Renamed "CLR80VID" -> "CLR80COL"
; Renamed "SET80VID" -> "SET80COL"
; Renamed "RD80COL" -> "RD80STORE"
; Renamed "RD80VID" -> "RD80COL"
I also added these to AppleWin's APPLE2E.SYM to fill in a few of the
gaps you guys left empty:
C063 BUTN2
[See (Apple II Errata): Tech Info Library Article Number 1062.]
So, I fixed these [on my personal copy of the APPLE2E.SYM]:
; Corrected Annunciator Labels [See Tech Info Library Errata]
6502bench SourceGen Disassembler SYM65 FORMAT (with comments):
; Corrected Annunciator Labels [See Tech Info Library Errata]
CLRAN0 @ $C058 ;[R/W] Reset AN0: Toggle OFF (0VDC)
SETAN0 @ $C059 ;[R/W] * Set AN0: Toggle ON (+5VDC)
CLRAN1 @ $C05A ;[R/W] Reset AN1: Toggle OFF (0VDC)
SETAN1 @ $C05B ;[R/W] * Set AN1: Toggle ON (+5VDC)
CLRAN2 @ $C05C ;[R/W] Reset AN2: Toggle OFF (0VDC)
SETAN2 @ $C05D ;[R/W] * Set AN2: Toggle ON (+5VDC)
CLRAN3 @ $C05E ;[R/W] Reset AN3: Toggle OFF (0VDC)
SETAN3 @ $C05F ;[R/W] * Set AN3: Toggle ON (+5VDC)
;[Stars (*) are just for balancing out the look of this chart.]
; Uncorrected Annunciator Labels [See Tech Info Library Errata]
; SETAN0 ¯\/¯ $C058 ;[R/W] * Set AN0: Toggle OFF (0VDC): WRONG!
; CLRAN0 _/\_ $C059 ;[R/W] Reset AN0: Toggle ON (+5VDC): WRONG!
; SETAN1 ¯\/¯ $C05A ;[R/W] * Set AN1: Toggle OFF (0VDC): WRONG!
; CLRAN1 _/\_ $C05B ;[R/W] Reset AN1: Toggle ON (+5VDC): WRONG!
; SETAN2 ¯\/¯ $C05C ;[R/W] * Set AN2: Toggle OFF (0VDC): WRONG!
; CLRAN2 _/\_ $C05D ;[R/W] Reset AN2: Toggle ON (+5VDC): WRONG!
; SETAN3 ¯\/¯ $C05E ;[R/W] * Set AN3: Toggle OFF (0VDC): WRONG!
; CLRAN3 _/\_ $C05F ;[R/W] Reset AN3: Toggle ON (+5VDC): WRONG!
; I wanted these to shout out to everyone that they are: WRONG!
; But, it didn't work. So now they're just notes. The big X's
; mean that the labels should have been swapped originally.
Also, I am wondering where you got these mnemonics from:
[I have not changed these in AppleWin's APPLE2E.SYM, yet!--I
might put my names in front of yours with a slash separator
like C08B below. (I did it differently, see P.S. below).]
C080 STEPPER ;I call this one LCRAMIN2 | Same as C084
C08A ENABLE1 ;I call this one LCROMIN1 | Same as C08E
C08B LCBANK1/ENABLE2 ; <-- Where? for ENABLE2 | Same as C08F
C08C DATASTROBE ;I call this one LCRAMIN1 | Same as C088
C08D LOADLATCH ;I call this one ROMIN1 | Same as C089
C08E SETREADMODE ;I call this one LCROMIN1 | Same as C08A
C08E WRITEPROT ;I call this one LCROMIN1 | Same as C08A
C08F SETWRITEMODE ;I call this one LCBANK1 | Same as C08B
Maybe combine: C08E SETREADMODE/WRITEPROT; or vice-versa!
Who decided on these names (above) [other than LCBANK1]?
; **[Best viewed in a monotyped font like 10pt. Courier New]**
Why I call these what I do is for LC BANK1/BANK2 parallelism.
See the following excerpt, from (my very own {incomplete & unpublished}):
"Apple IIe Memory Equates for Assembly Programmers" by James Davis
. . .
; MMU High-Memory [16K Language Card (LC)] Enabling & Bank-Switching:
;----------------------- ; ===========================================
; BANK2-On (MMU LC Bank Select) Switches:
; -------------------------------------------
; ROM/RAM Bank-Switched Area: $D000-$FFFF;
; LC RAM Bank-Switched Area: $D000-$DFFF.
; ===========================================
LCRAMIN2 EQU $C080 ; [R] BANK2-On Sw0: Read RAM; No Write;
; or EQU $C084 ; Use LC Bank 2.
; -------------------------------------------
ROMIN EQU $C081 ; [RR/W] BANK2-On Sw1: Read ROM; Write RAM;
; or EQU $C085 ; Use LC Bank 2. [ROMIN2 would be a more
; appropriate mnemonic for this switch.--JPD]
; -------------------------------------------
LCROMIN2 EQU $C082 ; [R] BANK2-On Sw2: Read ROM; No Write;
; or EQU $C086 ; Use LC Bank 2. [AKA (A.McFadden): ROMINRO]
; -------------------------------------------
LCBANK2 EQU $C083 ; [RR/W] BANK2-On Sw3: Read & Write RAM;
; or EQU $C087 ; Use LC Bank 2.
; ===========================================
; Warning: Do not use these switches without
; careful planning. Careless switching
; between RAM & ROM is almost certain to have
; catastrophic effects.
; -------------------------------------------
; Note: Write access to an odd address in the
; $C08X range controls HRAMRD (see above)
; without affecting the state of HRAMWRT'
; (see below).
; -------------------------------------------
; Note: LC Bank-Switching is independent of
; Main/Auxiliary Memory-Bank Switching.
; -------------------------------------------
; Note: HRAMRD & HRAMWRT' are Jim Sather
; mnemonics; LCRAMIN2, ROMIN2, & LCROMIN2,
; are Jim Davis mnemonics.
;----------------------- ; ===========================================
;----------------------- ; ===========================================
; BANK1-On (MMU LC Bank Select) Switches:
; -------------------------------------------
; ROM/RAM Bank-Switched Area: $D000-$FFFF;
; LC RAM Bank-Switched Area: $D000-$DFFF.
; ===========================================
LCRAMIN1 EQU $C088 ; [R] BANK1-On Sw0: Read RAM; No Write;
; or EQU $C08C ; Use LC Bank 1.
; -------------------------------------------
ROMIN1 EQU $C089 ; [RR/W] BANK1-On Sw1: Read ROM; Write RAM;
; or EQU $C08D ; Use LC Bank 1.
; -------------------------------------------
LCROMIN1 EQU $C08A ; [R] BANK1-On Sw2: Read ROM; No Write;
; or EQU $C08E ; Use LC Bank 1. [AKA (Jim Davis): ROMIN1RO]
; -------------------------------------------
LCBANK1 EQU $C08B ; [RR/W] BANK1-On Sw3: Read & Write RAM;
; or EQU $C08F ; Use LC Bank 1.
; ===========================================
; Warning: Do not use these switches without
; careful planning. Careless switching
; between RAM & ROM is almost certain to have
; catastrophic effects.
; -------------------------------------------
; Note: Write access to an odd address in the
; $C08X range controls HRAMRD (see above)
; without affecting the state of HRAMWRT'
; (see below).
; -------------------------------------------
; Note: LC Bank-Switching is independent of
; Main/Auxiliary Memory-Bank Switching.
; -------------------------------------------
; Note: HRAMRD & HRAMWRT' are Jim Sather
; mnemonics; LCRAMIN1, ROMIN1, & LCROMIN1,
; are Jim Davis mnemonics.
;----------------------- ; ===========================================
. . .
I will email a copy of any of my incomplete & unpublished works to
anyone who requests them personally. I will probably never finish
them, anyway!--Because I am getting too old!--And, because I never
finish any of my personal projects, just paid-$-work related ones!
[But, I have been retired now for a very long time.]
Sincerely yours,
James Davis
; **[Best viewed in a monotyped font like 12pt. Courier New]**
I went ahead and added or changed these (w/o ";<--" comments)
[on my personal copy of the APPLE2E.SYM]:
;C0XX <AppleName> ;<--Traditional mnemonic, *0
C080 LCRAMIN2 ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *0
; or STEPPER ;<--AppleWin mnemonic, *1
C081 ROMIN ;<--Traditional mnemonic, *2
; or ROMIN2 ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
C082 ROMINRO ;<--McFadden mnemonic, based on *2
; or LCROMIN2 ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
C083 LCBANK2 ;<--Traditional mnemonic, *3
; (*X = eXtra or ALTernate Address)
; [Missing hardware address bits makes these same as above.]
C084 LCRAMIN2X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *0
; or STEPPER2X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *1
C085 ROMINX ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
; or ROMIN2X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
C086 ROMINROX ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
; or LCROMIN2X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
C087 LCBANK2X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *3
C088 LCRAMIN1 ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *0
; or STEPPER1 ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *1
C089 ROMIN1 ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
C08A ROMIN1RO ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
; or LCROMIN1 ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
; or ENABLE1 ;<--AppleWin mnemonic
C08B LCBANK1 ;<--Traditional mnemonic, *4
; or ENABLE2 ;<--AppleWin mnemonic
; (*X = eXtra or ALTernate Address)
; [Missing hardware address bits makes these same as above.]
C08C LCRAMIN1X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *0
; or DATASTROBE ;<--AppleWin mnemonic
; or STEPPER1X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *1
C08D ROMIN1X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
; or LOADLATCH ;<--AppleWin mnemonic
C08E ROMIN1ROX ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
; or LCROMIN1X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *2
; or SETREADMODE ;<--AppleWin mnemonic
; or WRITEPROT ;<--AppleWin mnemonic
C08F LCBANK1X ;<--Jim Davis mnemonic, based on *4
; or SETWRITEMODE ;<--AppleWin mnemonic
I could add more for the whole $C0XX IOU/MMU soft-switch area, but not now.