Post by Brian Patrie(I can live without it, if it's gone; it took me this long to notice.)
Sorry, forgot to mention, you CAN restore the old behavior via:
disasm click 0
You also can customize which combination Ctrl/Alt/Shift/None you want. Type HELP CONFIG for more info.
Usage: CLICK [#]
Set required key combo. (Alt, Control, or Shift) when left clicking
0 Left-Click (no Alt, Ctrl, Shift)
1 Alt Left-click
2 Ctrl Left-click
3 Alt+Ctrl Left-click
4 Shift Left-click
5 Shift+Alt Left-click
6 Shift+Ctrl Left-click
7 Shift+Ctrl+Alt Left-click
DISASM CLICK 0 // Plain Left-click
DISASM CLICK 1 // Require Alt Left-click
DISASM CLICK 2 // Require Ctrl Left-click
DISASM CLICK 3 // Require Alt+Ctrl Left-click
Hope this helps.