Post by TomChPost by Bill BuckelsI have been working with Sheldon Simms AppleWin NTSC along with my DHGR
converter. Sheldon's rendering is just excellent and so is his composite
palette for his tohgr converter's DHGR output.
It has taken me quite awhile to get up to speed on some of this.
So now where I am is either wanting Sheldon's Source code or to reverse
engineer his rendering routines.
What are your comments on any of this?
Hi Bill,
Some background: a few years ago (actually 4 years now!), Sheldon GPL'd
Recently, I've been looking at Sheldon's work to try to figure out the
best way to integrate it into the current AppleWin main-line.
Sheldon's code not only supports 4 NTSC modes: {b/w, colour} x {TV,
monitor}; but is also cycle accurate, meaning it supports video mode
switching, albeit with mixed success (try the end credits of French
Touch's "Ansi Story":
The cycle accuracy means that emulation is slower then regular AppleWin.
Keeping up with a 1MHz 6502 is easy, but AppleWin will switch to
unthrottled emulation speed when the Disk][ motor is on as a way to
significantly reduce load times. Also being able to use the ScrollLock
key to temporarily apply an emulation "burst" to skip through unwanted
game sections is very useful.
I'd first like to support the NTSC modes without the cycle accuracy
(since there's only a handful of intros/demos that use this technique).
Then make cycle accuracy an option.
Dropping the existing AppleWin display modes is also an option, but there
is still value in some of these modes, eg 'Color (TV Emulation)' which
does vertical colour blending (used by many titles, eg. Karateka, Blazing
Paddles, MindShadow, etc). Obviously this vertical blending can be
applied to Sheldon's NTSC colour TV mode, but one step at a time, right? :)
So my initial focus would be on adding the NTSC modes (to sit alongside the existing mode).
non-interlaced video.
where there should be plenty of spare time to keep cycle-accurate. Any
running accelerated.